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Ajjanikanda Pramila and Nachaiah
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Pattole Palme

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The PATTOLE PALAME is a record of the culture of the Kodavas, compiled in the late 19th and early part of the 20th century by Nadikerianda Chinnappa (1875-1931), a subinspector ...

Author or Editor: Ajjanikanda Pramila and Nachaiah
Category: Kodava Books
Cover: Paperback
Language: Kodava
Publication Year: 2014
Type: Books

The PATTOLE PALAME is a record of the culture of the Kodavas, compiled in the late 19th and early part of the 20th century by Nadikerianda Chinnappa (1875-1931), a subinspector of Police and a prosecuting inspector. He had enough opportunities to travel all over Kodagu, mainly on horseback, and observe the customs and traditions of the land. Mr. Chinnappa’s travels in Kodagu land and his interest in Kodava culture spurred him to to acquire a deeper knowledge of these people’s customs, language, songs and dances. He enjoyed singing Kodava ballads and beating the Dudi (Kodava drum). He was also fond of taking part in Kodava folkdances during festivals. His passion for Kodava songs and folklore prompted him to start collecting them. He compiled all the material he had collected; the history, customs and songs of the Kodavas and named it Pattole Palame.

The then Government contributed towards the cost of publication and the Pattole Palame was published by the compiler himself in 1924 in Kodava language with Kannada script, as there was no Kodava script as such. Later,
the work was published three times by different agencies. The compiler himself tried to translate this into English but he passed away while the work was in progress. After a few decades Mrs. Nanjamma and Mr. Boverianda Chinnappa, the grandchildren of the author, translated this into English successfully.

Pattole Palame literally translates as Silken Lore, which means Patt= silk, Pole = like, Palame = traditional sayings) Words that are as smooth as silk. It also signifies (Patt +Ole = Palm + Leaves, Palame =
traditional words) Words written on smooth, silken palm leaves.Yet another interpretation is (Patt + Olel = Inside palm leaves, Palame= words) Words wrapped in silken palm leaves that is, like valuables that were generally wrapped in silk in the olden days.

The book displayed here is the Kodava version by Ajjanikanda Pramila & Nachaiah


Source: M.N. VENKATESHA. Indian Folklore Research Journal, Vol.1, No.4, 2004: 124–129
© 2004 National Folklore Support Centre

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